social media
& online marketing

We all love it; we all hate it: Social media and online marketing represent the most relevant and impactful tools of the marketing industry. Currently, over 50% of humans on the planet use some form of social media. In today’s world, it’s more crucial than ever to develop creative, unique, meticulous, data-and results-driven social and online marketing strategy for your brand.

Social media is everywhere in today’s world, but it’s also its own world. Every demographic has their preferred platform, and don’t even get us started about AI and the ever-changing algorithms baked into each one.

At Sticky, we’re pretty social people. From Instagram to TikTok, we’ve created some of the most creative, influential, and user-obsessed social media accounts for our clients. From human rights causes to publicly traded companies, and even personal brands, we cater and design accounts and campaigns that create good in the world. We know about those pesky algorithms, too, as well as optimal posting times, hashtags, trends, and so much more that your Gen Z child is talking about. We understand all generations of thought and know how to relate products and brands directly to your audience.